My Vimeo

1 April 2010


Things have picked up a bit since my last post. However, I still seem to be being stalked by bad luck.

First off I've managed to finish uploading the production photos from Distant Donors, so now I'm completely done with it.

I've also finished work on Jessie Dyer's Documentary/Music Video. It's the first documentary I've done and I only had two shoots to do it. It's by no means perfect, but I feel I did the best with what I had and I'm pleased with it. If I had more time, then I would have preferred to shoot some more stuff and follow up on some of the stuff they talk about in the interviews. But to be honest I'm glad it's finished now.

I had to make 30 DVDs which proved to be the most impossible task in the world. I literally had 20 separate problems one after the other and it took my all day and some cookies and milkshake to get through it. The live event where the DVDs were sold for charity was on Tuesday 30th March at Pitcheroak School. Since the event has been and gone now I've uploaded the film, and you can watch it below.

If you wish to know more about the charity "Everybody Let's Sing!" then click here.

I've finished university for the Easter Holidays now and so have finished work on Forgotten for now. It's been going okay so far, there have been a lot of problems but we've been combating them and working through them. When we come back after Easter we have 2 scenes left to shoot and 2 scenes that we need to re-shoot. Then my job will be done and it will just be the editing that is left. Below are a couple of still shots from the film.



In the mean time I'll be filming a live Gang Show on the 6th April and 10th April, with help from Jessica Taylor (who helped me out with the Jessie Dyer project, and who also wrote and is now directing Forgotten) and Clarissa Hall. Since I've not filmed a live event before it'll be very interesting. Once it's been filmed then it will be up to me to make a DVD of it, which will be sold to the cast, crew, family and anyone else that wants one. The money made from the DVDs is then given to me and my crew. Therefore making this my first paid job. I'll have about a month to edit it, and by that time my projects will all be coming to a close and I'll have to start on some new ones.