First off Forgotten. Filming is 98% done and there are just a few exterior shots to get of some buildings. The edit is still being played with a little but it should be done by the end of next week. Here is some footage with a rough edit if you want to know what it looks like. I did all of the cinematography and lighting in all of these shots.
I also had ago at doing some music for the film, and as a result I'm being allowed to have ago at scoring the film. As it happens, I'm not sure my director has 100% faith in me as she's said she still wants to look for some music students to score the film, however, lucky for me no one has expressed any interest so it seems I've got the job by default. I've put the demo I did, with the clip above, and you can view and listen to it below.
I start scoring it properly on Tuesday. I used to play the cornet and got to grade 6 in practical and theory, I could have gone further, but I'd lost interest in the grades system and so just wanted to plan. However, since I've started university I've not played. Which I think has actually helped me to come up with melodies. Before when I did play I couldn't come up with a tune to save my life. Now they fly at me left right and centre. Which is why I want to get a MacBook Pro over the summer with Logic Pro Studio so I can write some music.
I've also finished editing the live Gang Show which me and my crew filmed over Easter. It's come in at 2 hours and 35 minutes. All that is left to do is export the film from Final Cut Pro and then create a DVD of it.
I have to say that filming a live show with separate cameras is very hard. We had a number of exposure issues, which you can see in the final piece. But I've definitely learnt a lot from doing the project, and will be quite glad when it is over.
That's it in terms of my filming projects at the moment. Although I'm also starting today a little project I'm calling Film365. It's inspired by the Photo365 projects I've seen where people have to take a photo everyday for a year. Well I've decided to do the same with video. However, since an interesting video a day, which is what I am aiming for, is harder than taking a photo a day I'm testing it out this month, and then if I enjoy it I'm going to continue it for a year. You can view my films from the project at